Feb 9, 2017
You may have noticed this blog and my website look a bit different today. I
decided it was time to do away with the overly complex, information overload
that was my personal website in favor of a simpler landing page that links to
all of my social media and my blog. I found I wasn’t updating the information
on my website and I figured I might as well just use the services I already
have for things like listing my experience (LinkedIn) and enumerating my
projects (github).
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Apr 28, 2016
This co-op cycle I’m working at MIT Lincoln Lab. While I do really enjoy it
there and have learned a lot over the past few months, the commute sucks. Since
I live near Northeastern campus and take the MBTA in to work, it takes me about
an hour and a half each way - assuming the T is running on time. Unfortunately
it rarely ever does, and this post is about a project I came up with to
quantify all that lost time using a Raspberry Pi, Google’s Distance Matrix
API, my phone, and D3.js.
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Jun 28, 2015
A few weeks ago, my girlfriend came home frustrated about work. She’s currently on co-op at an organization that develops curricula for developing countries. She writes textbooks and lessons for students - usually math. That day, she had been tasked with renaming the thousands of image files that they add to the textbooks from one naming convention to another. She had spent nearly her entire day doing it and still had much more to do. Why don’t you just write a python script to change the file names instead of doing it by hand?, I asked. It turns out these image files take up multiple terabytes of space on a Dropbox account - it wouldn’t be feasible to download these files, run a script on them, and then upload them again. Luckily, theres a Dropbox API for python.
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